The dark side of the moon

Started by russe166, July 17, 2014, 09:54:45 AM

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The image map shader projected the image onto the front and back sides of the planet.

I like to have the image only on the front side of the planet.

But how?


If from the top down, I mean vertically, you could make an SSShader covering half that planet and use it as a mask for the image map.


Hi Dune!

Thanks for your idea.

When I turn the moon around I get the Crater Rays from the other side of the moon in the field of view.
Without the crater it looks a bit weird.
I need the whole planet without the Picture of the image map shader shines through it.



[edit]Just watched it, but site's experiencing timeouts at the moment, hopefully back in action shortly[/edit]
Use a planet instead of a sphere, spherical projection of the image/displacement map and then just rotate the planet to get the right bit into frame. Attached TGD was used for this: so it includes some animated settings which you might want to remove.


Hi bigben!

Thanks for the reply and the example. I will look at the example and study it.